On stage at Advertising Week harnessing the power of creativity for good


Our CCO Peter Nicholson challenged a room full of marketers to transform negatives into positives and make the world a kinder, more peaceful place

Advertising has the power to impact people. It can persuade, inform, spark action, and so much more. So when we found out our own Peter Nicholson was invited to speak at Advertising Week, where the top advertising minds come to learn and connect, we thought, why not harness the power of many creative minds together to do good in the world.

Peter introduced the audience to Peace Paper, Periscope’s art-centered, non-profit initiative on a mission to inspire a kinder and more peaceful world. Then he led an immersive workshop, where Advertising Week attendees became a part of positive change by transforming negative words like “bully,” and “hate,” into positive ones, all using a single pen and their own creativity.

When we created Peace Paper back in 2016, we had set out to harness some of the creativity and talent we had within our own walls and use it to impact positive change. Now, it’s incredible to see artistic expressions from all over the world contributing to this crowd-sourced wrapping paper that’s helping wrap the world in peace.