In one of our wisest agency events yet, our parents came to work with us and shared their perspectives on work, love and everything in between.
Bring Your Kid to Work Day is so 1995, so we put a Periscope spin on it and invited our parents to work with us. Highlights included a handful of parents sporting t-shirts with their kids’ faces on them, fabulous photo-ops and the recurring phrase, “So that’s what you do here.” The event was so popular that the Wall Street Journal even wrote about it.
Speaking of advice, we felt some of it was too good not to share. So without further ado, here are 26 pieces of wisdom we collected on Take Your Parent To Work Day from the wonderful people who raised us:
“Your creativity is a gift to use wisely.”
“Smile and be gracious. Always.”
“Every day, do something that scares you.”
“Pair grit with grace.”
“Everyone, fill every moment with love. To the brim.”
“Always be in a state of change”
“Treat others as they want to be treated.”
“Believe in yourself and in your plan. Don’t say you can’t, just say you can. Go get ‘em, bud.”
“Don’t be afraid to take the road less traveled.”
“Define what success is for yourself.”
“Always be true to yourself.”
“Make choices today that your older self will be grateful for.”
“Start every day like it’s your birthday.”
“Remember to love one another and your work will be loveable.”
“Listen first, then speak and always be kind.”
“Unfortunately, common sense isn’t common to everyone. Always use yours.”
“Always remember your please and thank you’s.”
“Love. Trust. Forgive. Repeat.”
“Enjoy every moment.”
“Put people first and profit will follow.”
“It doesn’t matter where you have been, only where you are going.”
“Remember to floss.”
“Live your passion.”
“Always love your job and going to work…or move on.”
“Make ordinary moments special.”