Periscope and Target team up to bring branded experience to AfroTech 2018


By highlighting Target’s newly launched Accelerators program, we helped the retailer stand out among conference regulars like Facebook, Google and GoDaddy.

When Target asked Periscope to help them make a splash at their very first AfroTech experience, we knew we were being trusted with an important story to tell.

With our fresh Target Accelerator branding work on full display, the interactive, experiential booth helped engage conference attendees. It also allowed them to literally see themselves as a catalyst in the future of retail with a branded selfie booth. Considering even the brightest entrepreneurial minds are often held back by their fear of failing, we helped Target tell conference attendees, “we believe in you and your ideas,” in an authentic, creative way.

As a conference who says it gears programming towards Black techies, entrepreneurs, and startups, AfroTech was a natural fit for Target Accelerators — a corporate leader in the area of diversity and inclusion. Like Target, we also consider ourselves a champion of entrepreneurial spirits and boundary-pushers. Needless to say, Periscope was honored to make Target Accelerators’ first AfroTech experience a memorable one.