For the holidays, we delivered retail success by shifting the perception of JCPenney from a traditional, value-driven department store to an exhilarating destination for gifts and fun. The result was a pop-up store and a 360-degree, online virtual experience, all of it carefully curated by an eclectic group of today’s most social fashion opinion-makers. The products available were all existing but unexpected JCPenney merchandise at JCPenney prices — but the glitz and glam were distinctly Jacques Penné.

“I know how it feels to just go in and find the usual gifts for people. This store is dedicated specifically to holiday shopping, so, technically, you could get everything for everyone here, just like that. Boom!”
PR and earned media coverage spread the story, and JCPenney became a bigger, bolder, better brand.

"An Etsy shop come to life."
"Christmas 2017 Best in Retail Innovation.”